Creating Deep Links in Workspace ONE Access for O365 Apps

In this section we will insert Deep Links within Workspace ONE Access to enhance the user experience. In the current state, end users will have to take multiple steps before they get access to their Office web apps. Having a Portal to Portal single sign-on experience very rarely excites the end user and leads to loss in productivity.

1. Inserting Office 365 Deep links

  • On your Controlcenter server. Log in to your to your Workspace ONE Access Console as Admin and select the Catalog tab > Web Apps
    1. Select NEW
    2. In the New SaaS Application window under Name type Microsoft Word
    3. Under Icon, click on browse, search for the software link on your desktop, and navigate to \Applications\Azurefiles\icons. select your Word.png Icon and select Open. At the bottom right select NEXT
    4. On 2. Configuration in the Single Sign-On section under Authentication type to the right select the drop down and then select Web Application Link

2. Inserting Office 365 Deep links

  • Copy the URL below and edit in Notepad++ the following in Blue with your assigned domain suffix and then copy the edited URL and Paste under the Target URL

3. Inserting Office 365 Deep links

  • Select NEXT > SAVE & ASSIGN
    1. Under Users / User Groups in the Search area type Mark, select [email protected]
    2. Under Deployment Type select Automatic and select SAVE

4. Inserting Office 365 Deep links

  • Repeat the above steps for
    1. OneDrive
      • Replace Lisbonb with your domain
      • Replace zingaramanwell with your unique Office 365 domain name. eg in this example the domain name is cloudadmin@zingaramanwell.onmicrosoft .com, zingaramanwell is the domain name
    2. Excel
    3. PowerPoint
    4. Outlook

5. Inserting Office 365 Deep links

  • The Office 365 application has been assigned to Marketing. It has to remain assigned to Marketing for the Deep links to work. However, we do not necessarily want this to be visible to the End-User. We will now solve this issue as part of a well thought out solution.
    1. In the Catalog, select the Check-box next to Office365 with Provisioning, select EDIT
    2. in the Edit SaaS Application window, select step 2 Configuration and scroll down to the bottom. Change Show in the User Portal toggle from Yes to No
    3. Select NEXT > NEXT > NEXT > NEXT > SAVE

6. Inserting Office 365 Deep links )

  • Switch to a Browser in Incognito Mode . Using your Workspace ONE Access URL login as User1 with the password VMware1!
  • Test your individual links for office 365


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